` Alexander the Great once said, “There is nothing impossible to him who will try.” This is the same man that conquered over two million square miles of land. His empire in 323 BC stretched out between three continents. Plutarch the philosopher describes Alexander as fearless, charismatic and possibly having divine influence in conquering Asia Minor, Greece and Egypt.
What does this have to do with CrossFit? Everything! Nothing is achieved if I am not willing to try hard things. Today, we did some crazy workout involving 28 deadlifts at 185 pounds. My one rep max was 220 pounds so I didn’t know if I could accomplish 28 deadlifts at such a high weight. When looking at any workout, I’m always coming up with the thought, “Should I try the recommended weight or scale it?” Today I tried it and felt so accomplished afterward even though my legs were saying otherwise.
In Mark 9:14-29, Jesus takes things a step forward from trying to believing. A man brings his mute son before Jesus and asked Him to heal the boy if He can. Jesus turns around and says in verse 23: And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.”
Currently I am working on my business which means I am leaving the comfort of a constant paycheck for the unknown to do what I love to do which is exercise and use it to help people become the best version of themselves. I’m trying something new but also believing that if God put this dream in me then He will bring it to pass.
Isaiah 46:11b Yea, I have spoken, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.
Sometimes God asks us to do some crazy things: be a parent to a challenging child, teach children that seem indifferent to learning, be forgiving even though it’s not deserved or earned, stay in a job that isn’t favorable and love people. If Alexander tried and attained so much and Jesus believed and healed, then trying and believing God’s got my back will make what seems impossible possible. I’m all for it! Aren’t you?