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Writer's pictureMelinda Negron Stierlen

The Art of CrossFit Coaching Part 1: Anna

The gym is the classroom of life and the coaches are our teachers.

The atmosphere was all a buzz with the members of the 6:30pm class huddled together to discuss the promise of a run. It was my first time in a FitNess class since I can’t remember when and the regulars assured me that Coach Anna was going to make them run. One member assumed it was running around 4 buildings and when we found out it was only 2 buildings, he joked that Coach Anna was feeling generous today. One would presume that this would cause the class to dislike their coach but it was the opposite. The consistency of the WOD explanation before the run and the “light jog” itself put attenders at ease that whatever they were going to face, they can and will get through it.

The bester teachers coach their students and the best coaches are great teachers. - Grant Teaff

In F45, the warm-ups are the same: A-steps, inchworm into a push-up, side lunges and so forth. I could pretty much guess what the screens had for us to do which was totally contrary to the FitNess class. We circled in groups of three to engage in a lower and upper body warm-up that was disguised as fun! Each cluster simultaneously performed a push-up then went around high-fiving each other in a plank then simultaneously squatted and passed around a kettlebell. Of course my group killed it:) What people don’t know is that Coach Anna specifically looks for opportunities to form a community within her classes. Our group of three not only performed a Warm-up together but rotated throughout the WOD. 

Though only coaching crossfit for three years, Anna isn’t new to being an educator of some sorts. Prior to this experience, she was a High School teacher and coach for ten years. Soccer and kids were life and it’s no wonder that when the coaching opportunity presented itself, she took it on as an educator of WODs and technique. She, being an athlete herself, finds great joy in helping people overcome their self doubt to reach their individual goals because even at the beginner level,  no one's skills are identical. She recounts the aha moment someone finally faced their fear and jumped on a box or got a movement like pull-ups, toes to bar and handstands they were struggling with.

Hebrews 13:16: “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

Anna is more than a coach at Legion of Power CrossFit. She is described as the kindest person and truly has a heart to support others so they can flourish and grow. Her love for people and the CrossFit sport is so apparent it keeps the same individuals coming back to join her most nights at LPC even if they have to go for a run.

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