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Writer's pictureMelinda Negron Stierlen

Take Heart! Jesus Has Overcome This WOD!

CrossFit is one of those sports that you can’t really prepare for. You could know how to snatch, do muscle ups, walk on your hands and jump on a box but the games can throw crazy things in a WOD like The Camp Pendleton Triathlon in 2012 when participants had to swim in the ocean for 700 meters, bike ride in sandy conditions for 8 kilometers (about 4 miles) and run for 11.3 kilometers (about 7 miles) followed by an obstacle course with walls, logs and bars. I’m sure anyone who goes to a CrossFit box can tell you that showing up not knowing the workout of the day is like showing up to a CrossFit event in the games. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into until it’s time to perform. 

Sunday’s WOD was like that for me. The WOD was called Lazy Sunday but it was anything but lazy. It was a 25 minute non-stop AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of 4 shoulder to overhead, 6 barbell lunges, 8 lateral burpees and 250 meters on the row. Every 5 minutes there were 5 kettlebell American swings with some heavy weight. The burpees with side jumps alone brought my heart rate over 181 beats per minute which is the highest it’s ever been. The coach apologized for the grueling workout and though it was tough, I loved every minute of it. 

John 16:33

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

The couple of days before Jesus dies, He tells His disciples what’s going to happen to them. It’s like entering the CrossFit Games and getting the first WOD of the day. They are going to be scattered, expelled from the synagogues (church), and some will be killed. It’s like a breakdown of what happens at LPC (Legion of Power CrossFit). Some finish the WOD RXing every movement, some downsize the weights and others just full on quit. But Jesus gives the disciples words of courage meaning a way to stay positive. Trials and troubles are inevitable. We all suffer from them. That’s the way of life. There are ups and there are downs. Yet, Jesus isn’t saying we won’t be hurt or grieve or go through challenges. What we can take with us is the joy that Jesus is with us and He will get us through.

Isaiah 41:10 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Jesus is like that coach that sticks with you throughout the whole workout, taking video of you, screaming at you, telling you that He’s been there and knows you can make it. If He’s overcome this WOD called Life then so will we!

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